Become Grounded
Your Energetic Body is one of your 5 Bodies.
This is the body where you notice status, power games, ownership, commitment, appropriateness, sacred spaces, timing, doorways of opportunity, the flow, team spirit, remarkable creativity, nonlinear possibility, support, collaboration...
on and on and on...
Your 5 Body organism is a manifestation of Gaia's Experiment with creating a biological form that is complex enough to be aware that it is aware.
The danger for Gaia is that human beings would somehow arrange to avoid the first to authentic initiatory processes into adulthood, namely:
I am not my body.
I am not my mind.
Gaia's greatest fears have been assured by the emergence of the capitalist patriarchal empire that has dominated human cultures for 6000 years where adulthood initiatory processes have been banned.
You can step out of that culture. By finding this website you are already an Edgeworker. You have found culture's edge.
Going the next steps involves becoming a Bridge Builder and stepping onto the Bridge to Next Culture yourself.
Making such a choice and such a move can start when you Become Centered and Become Grounded... in that order.
Please make sure you have Become Centered before diving into the Become Grounded Experiments.
This is not a rule. It is a suggestion based on our own Experiments. Becoming Grounded works better when you have already Become Centered.
NOTE: This website is a Bubble in the Bubble Map of the free-to-play, massively-multiplayer, online-and-offline, thoughtware-upgrade, matrix-building, personal-transformation, adventure-game called StartOver.xyz. It is a doorway to experiments that upgrade your thoughtware so you can relocate your point of origin and create more possibility. Your knowledge is what you think about. Your thoughtware is what you use to think with. When you change your thoughtware, you go through a liquid state as your mind reorganizes itself. Liquid states can bring up transformational feelings and emotions. By upgrading your thoughtware you build matrix to hold more consciousness and leave behind a low drama life of reactivity. No one can upgrade your thoughtware for you. More interestingly, no one can stop you from upgrading your thoughtware. Our theory is that when we collectively build 1,000,000 new Matrix Points we will change the morphogenetic field of the human race for the better. Please choose responsibly to read this website. Reading this whole website is worth 1 Matrix Point. Doing any of the experiments earns you additional Matrix Points. Please use Matrix Code BGROUNDD.00 to log your Matrix Point for reading this website on StartOver.xyz. Thank you for playing full out!
Become Grounded
Your Grounding Cord connects your energetic Center to the center of the Earth, the center of Gaia.
This connection functions in both directions:
- As a grounding cord to dispose of unneeded energies.
- As a receiver of personal and general impulses directly from Gaia.
No one can Become Grounded for you.
More interestingly, no one can stop you from Becoming Grounded.
Being Grounded is part of a life of practice.The Benefits Of Being Grounded
There are even health benefits to grounding (also called Earthing), such as:
- Reduced inflammation
- Reduced pain levels
- Improved sleep
- Reduced effects of aging
- Reduced risk of chronic disease
- Reduced risk of Osteoporosis
Podcast with Echan Deravy (John Craig) If Only You Would Take Your Shoes Off (72 min)
Journey to Authenticity Podcast with Echan Deravy (John Craig) Massive Health Benefits of Earthing (32 min)
Earthing Physicist Dr. Chevalier Video Interview with Echan Deravy (66 min)
Documentary Film Earth Pilgrims by Echan Deravy with Satish Kumar, Wade Davis, Graham Hancock, Nassim Haramein, Coleman Barkes, and Jalaluddin Muhammad Rumi (archival footage) (90 min)
How To Become Grounded
-Or the Practice of Sauntering-
To get a sense of what Groundedness can mean watch the documentary "The Earthing Move"
After doing an experiment enter the given Matrix Code under the headline in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
Become Centered
Matrix Code: BGROUNDD.01
You Have 5 Centers - One In Each Of Your 5 Bodies: Physical, Intellectual, Energetic, Emotional and Archetypal. Being centered is a sensation, not a concept. Being centered is the sensation that you experience when you put your energetic center on your physical center (your center of gravity).
Being centered is the sensation when you stand in your own power. When you do not give you power/center away to authority figures. To become centered is a process. More detailed experiments about that you find here
After you completing the centering experiments on that Website, please enter Matrix Code BGROUNDD.01 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Minimize the Now
Matrix Code: BGROUNDD.02Centering Process:
Your physical centre is your physical centre of gravity. It is located about two fingers below the navel, right on the inside of your body, a bit in front of your spine.
Step 1: Right now in front of the computer, bring all of your attention from wherever it is (that thing you want to do, the person you just spoke to, what your next task will be, the noise outside), and put it, concentrated like a grapefruit, on your physical centre, on the inside of your body. Stay there breathing, while trying to sense your guts. Do not try to imagine it. The experience you get is Being Centered. You can do it with eyes closed or open, but eventually open them to read the next step.
Step 2: Stay Centered and open your eyes. Keep most of your attention, 90% in your Centre, while the open 10% are being used to read. Check it out how that feels like in all your bodies. Keep breathing. If you notice yourself making stories or loosing your attention, bring it back to your physical centre.
Step 3: Stay Centered and with your attention still 90% on your Centre, move with your eyes open, sitting on your chair, and take a look at your surroundings. Keep bringing your attention back to your Centre. Look around at the objects, look at the things in your home or office without them being a shopping list. Take 2 minutes for this.
Step 4: Now staying Centered, get up and move around. Change speeds and directions, all while staying Centered. Check out what speed is, at the moment, too fast for you to keep being Centered or too slow. Does moving slow get you in your head? Does moving very fast get you in your head?
Step 5: (This is best done with people in a live group or a video call, but you can grab a photograph of different people you know). Stay Centered and stay breathing bring yourself closer to the people. Either move closer to one of them, or bring your face closer to the screen and camera, so you can look at them closely. Notice if you give your Centre away to someone, if you give your Centre to someone younger than you, older than you, from the same or opposite sex. Keep bringing yourself back to Centered. And breathe. If you give your Centre away very quickly, you can close your eyes to get it back and get open your eyes, and continue the exercise. Move to a different person. Do this last step for 4 minutes.
Do this experiment every day for a week. After that try out 'Possibility Hanging' for no reason.
After you completing this experiment, please enter Matrix Code BGROUNDD.02 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Possibility Hanging
Matrix Code: BGROUNDD.03
'Possibility Hanging' is to go to the level of your bones.Releasing the tensions from your muscles and fascia is in and of itself grounding. It gives your system a reference of sinking into yourself and letting go. This is the foundation of groundedness.A possible process:1) Find a place where you can stand and keep your intention and sensations on your tailbone. Place your feet in line with your sitting bones which is more narrow than you usually think.2) Practice drawing a line from your tail to the center of the earth and from your sitting bones to your heals ( a way of establishing your grounding cord).3) Imagine your head being the other end floating on top of your spine.4) Breath down your spine from head to tail.5) Imagine your tail being a hook where you can hang stuff on leading your pelvis to be on top of your legs.6) From the top of your head roll down slowly with the weight of your head and your arms leading you. To do it slow count from 1 to 16. As a consequence of the sequence your tail has to move back as you hollow in the hip sockets while your upper body hangs. This is not a stretching. Put your attention on the intention to connect your heels with your sitting bones and your head with your tail while you hang. Hang of off your legs. If you touch the floor put your palms on the floor so the energy can circle. AND to go as far as the hands on the floor is not necessary.It depends on your own state and structure of your body.7) Try to let go of your belly as you hang breathing into it. If your quadriceps grabs massage thm. Connect your sitting bones to your heels even more while letting go of your shoulders and neck. Breathe.8) Stay like this for some breaths and then bend your knees forward over your first and second toe letting your upper body rest on your thighs and take some bounces leading from your tail going down and forward (imagine you are a ball and someone pushes on your sacrum and you go up and down from your legs).9) Bend your knees even more until you arrive in a little ball with your heels coming up as a consequence of the sequence and let your upper body hang again.10) Put your hands behind your and roll down on the floor. Take a rest.This is a life practice you can do everyday for no reason and connects you to your yellow brain.You want to find out why: Join the existing Possibility Hanging Team on Telegram: and study this websiteAnyhow do this experiment every day for a week.More sequences and details you find hereAfter you completing this experiment, please enter Matrix Code BGROUNDD.03 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Change Perspektive & Follow Evolution
Matrix Code: BGROUNDD.04
Lie on the floor on your back and observe your surrounding, shift in the identitiy of an amoeba or snale and move according to that. Imagine your are mother earth and evolution is happening. How are you shifting with your movement from lying to crawling to standing to walking. Who starts the movement? What starts the movement? How slow can you be to observe what`s happening? What is happening? Did you skip a layer, an evolutionary step? What feelings and emotions may come up as you evolving?Or did you find one new?
Groundedness comes from the perspektive to be a aware that you are also an animal on earth walking on it, body to body.
After you completing this experiment, please enter Matrix Code BGROUNDD.04 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Start a movement practice & become aware of your 5 Bodies
Matrix Code: BGROUNDD.05
To set your intention of becoming grounded sits with the idea that you might have more than one body. Despite your physical body grounding is taking place and achieved by speaking and adressing not only your physical body but also emotional, energetical, intellectual and archetypal body. More about it you can read here.
Becoming grounded in one of these bodies doesn`t necessarily mean that you become grounded in another one. Since modern culture wants you to be grounded in the intellectual body there is a big chance by practicing grounding in the physical body first so you can create more space and awareness about the other ones.
This means: find a dojo, a tai chi circle, an arrow shooting community, a dance practice, go stand up paddling...whatever floats your boat.
A suggestion as a starting point you find in the context of Ido Portal Movement Culture
Here you find spaceholders all over the world who practice being body in and of itself using movements from all sources with the purpose of having more than just a physical body you move from.
Find a new practice for yourself and do it 30 minutes a day for 3 Weeks and tell us about your findings.
After you completing this experiment, please enter Matrix Code BGROUNDD.05 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Let yourself be led by your breathing
Matrix Code: BGROUNDD.06
If it feels difficult to be grounded in your body, it is sometimes easier to follow the breathing. Breathing Consciously is a powerful practice because it leads you to be more present in your physical body and therefore being grounded also in other bodies.
In modern culture to be fast is valued and to be effective is valued. Constantly pressured to perform leads to resistance. If your body can't uphold this pressure because it is designed to flow, you start to become rigid in your self cause what are you doing if you would run against a wall, you make your body as stiff and totally tense to not get hurt. That is also what happens to your breathing. You start to push your feelings away, hence you stop breathing in your belly which makes your intestine unmovable and therefore your intestinal nervous system shuts down hence your feeling are stopped from flowing. What happens then is that you breath in your chest which is connected to fear, panic and grounding gets lost. In modern culture this is called dissociation.
Modern culture serves fight or flight, the old map of fear.
The old map of feelings you find here
Start breathing in your belly. Whenever you stand in a line or wait in an office or you sit in a train, at least three times a day check in with your breathing, pause and first of all take a deep breath and then notice how your are breathing and where your breath is going. You can also add breathing meditations.Do this for 3 weeks.
After you completing this experiment, please enter Matrix Code BGROUNDD.06 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Your Bubble of Space
Matrix Code: BGROUNDD.07
With all experiments so far there is a practice that comes with these which is your own personal space. Everyone has its own space which is your energetic space around you filled with your own personal energy, your bubble of space.
You can use your "Clicker" (snapping your fingers) and declare it whenever you stand in a line or wait for the train for no reason. Do this for a week. See what happens.
After you completing this experiment, please enter Matrix Code BGROUNDD.07 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Point of Origin
Matrix Code: BGROUNDD.08
Become grounded in the context you choose now. If you wait around to be discovered with the value you have to offer for the world you are in defense mode and probably sit on a pile of books antalks, basically gold that is a treasure for other people. What is your point of origin?
Find a spaceholder from Possibility Managers website and relocate yourself in the context you choose and that you are and from where you can build our own gameworld from.
After you completing this experiment, please enter Matrix Code BGROUNDD.08 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Energetic Tools
Matrix Code: BGROUNDD.09
Getting your Energetic Body on line depends on how you become aware of your energetic tools and using them on a daily basis to deliver your destiny.
More about the description of energetic tools you find here.
Literally get yourself the devices talked about on this website. Get yourself a clock for a feelings detector, have a red cloth with you. Put a red sticker on your jacket etc.!
A physical manifestation was an energetic one before. Why not experimenting with the other way around.
Christine Ploschenz used a real chain and hook for the wall to keep her Gremlin on the leash for the first 3 weeks until it manifested in her energtic body. So it works!
After you completing this experiment, please enter Matrix Code BGROUNDD.09 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
3x3x3 Practice
Matrix Code: BGROUNDD.010
To navigate groundedness you need to navigate your feelings consciously. Do a 3x3x3 anger and fear practice. For that it is even better to set up a team Build up your team for that. Start with anger before you start with fear. For more clarity go through the 3-3-3 Initation Website.
After you completing this experiment, please enter Matrix Code BGROUNDD.010 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Distinguish Feelings from Emotions
Matrix Code: BGROUNDD.011
For this Experiment study and go through the website of 4 Emotions.
After you completing this experiment, please enter Matrix Code BGROUNDD.011 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Do a Rage Club
Matrix Code: BGROUNDD.012
To navigate conscious anger makes you able to navigate groundedness in your bones and therefore be more in your body. The more you give your bones the information of unconscious anger, brutal aggression, explosions or implosions, the more you shift out of your core about who you are and what you really want and give your authority hence your potential for literally matrix (bone matrix) away. (Osteoporosis can be a consequence of that)
Rage Club is a way to change your relationship to anger and to groundedness.
After you completing this experiment, please enter Matrix Code BGROUNDD.012 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
This Experiment is worth 4 Matrix Points.
Do a Fear Club
Matrix Code: BGROUNDD.013
To navigate conscious fear makes you able to navigate groundedness at the same time. The more you give your nervous system the information of unconscious fear, anxiety or panic, the more you shift out of your body and into your head or eneregtic body nhence dissociate. Fear Club is a way to change your relationship to fear and to groundedness. In order fo fly your dragon your being must be grounded on this planet otherwise you fly away meaning your creativity and creations get lost in the post. Burnout.
After you completing this experiment, please enter Matrix Code BGROUNDD.013 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
This Experiment is worth 4 Matrix Points.